There are a plethora of resources that point to schools offering full funding and generous scholarships to international students. Please make sure to go through them carefully and know if you are ELIGIBLE for the scholarships being offered.

Some of them require a student to have a certain GPA or a particular SAT score or even be of a certain nationality.

Confirm that you meet the requirements for their scholarships before applying.

Remember, you have only 20 slots on your common app so you must use them wisely.

Here are some of the resources available:



Top Schools/ Ivy-Leagues

Top schools and Ivy League schools also offer full scholarships to admitted students. Their scholarships are offered on a need basis, which means if you get in, you get funded. Getting into any of these schools is highly competitive.

However, I believe you have what it takes to get in!

Here's a list of Ivy-League schools you can apply to. Other highly competitive schools include:

Some Critical Dates

For more information. Send us an email at [email protected]